This is something you can do solo or with friends (even virtually!), and what you make is up to you. Giving yourself something to do with your hands is a helpful deterrent for habitual sipping. Call your parent or grandparent, cousin, aunt, nephew—you get it. Get in touch with your family (chosen family works too!), and ask them how they’re feeling right now. Go to a playground and rediscover your favorite youthful pastimes like swinging and hanging on the monkey bars (just don’t steal the slide from the kiddos, okay?).

Plan a date night around cooking a new dish together. It can be as elaborate as you’d like—just put on your favorite playlist and enjoy doing something tactile with the person you love. Write it out or talk it out with a friend (or your voice memos app). Alcohol is a tricky bag to unpack for me, and for others that I know and love. Some days and weeks, I don’t care a lick for it; others, I care a lot of licks. It’s easier than most of us will admit to default to a glass of wine or a beer out of habit.

You’re in!

There are tons of playlists, stations, and artists perfect for boosting your concentration. Even better, it doesn’t have to take longer than 10 minutes a day to get caught up. Share your expertise and start a blog, you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to give! These days there are a ton of AI writing tools to help you overcome writer’s block.

But they may struggle to recognize how much alcohol is too much. This subreddit is a place to motivate each other to control or stop drinking. We welcome anyone who wishes to join in by asking for advice, sharing our experiences and stories, or just encouraging someone who is trying to quit or cut drinking out of boredom down. Please post only when sober; you’re welcome to read in the meanwhile. I have always loved live music but I used to spend at least a third of every gig queueing for the bar or the toilet. At festivals, I would often miss half the acts because I was in a state of drunken disorientation.

Anticipating Drinking

People don’t wait around like they used to and there are a lot more fake friends. There’s a whole wide world out there and if you aren’t in it, you are going to remain in a state of chronic boredom forever. The doldrums hit us all eventually. But don’t worry — you’re not alone! Boredom comes for us all eventually, and it can feel impossible to find creative ways to entertain yourself once you’ve gotten into that rut. Boredom can feel impossible to escape.

Is it bad to drink when bored?

Often, being bored without alcohol seems intimidating because when there's no task to put your mind to, you're forced to notice the things that are making you unhappy. In more severe cases, drinking out of boredom can lead to severe alcohol abuse disorders.

Delight your mind with the writings of Jack Handey or Samantha Irby.10. If you enjoy that sort of thing.11. Make a music-video playlist to play on your TV. This is almost like being at a bar, sort of.

Casual Drinking, Problem Drinking & Alcoholism

Let a to-do list app do the heavy lifting for you with enough flexibility to keep up with your busy day. From daily tasks to grocery lists, simple reminders, and more, you can lean on productivity platforms like ClickUp for every item on your calendar. Healthy habits breed a healthy lifestyle—and health is wealth! Take pride in those little rituals that help you start your day in the best way possible, and prioritize even the smallest daily acts that put you in a good mood. Paint your nails, pop open a soda water on the patio, put on a hydrating face mask, or—hot take—just let yourself feel bored for a second. Life can move pretty fast, allow yourself the space to pause and do nothing because boredom breeds creativity!

  • Many shy teenagers who lack confidence report that they’ll do things under the influence of substances that they might not otherwise.
  • And, you’ve found that you can dilute your senses in order to tolerate these boring, dull situations.
  • Unlike many other life coaches, Jeanette’s entire focus is on putting you in the driver’s seat of your life.
  • This checklist is easy to use and can help you feel energized, focused, relaxed and creative, all while giving you new insights quickly.
  • I had few satisfying relationships – with friends or women – and a monkey mind that wouldn’t shut itself off.
  • I spent time looking out for sober role models in my social and professional circles – men of a similar age who were sober but still funny, smart, confident and capable.